The Family

The Family
circa Fall 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So I am going to give this blogging thing a try. I only wished we could have started this when the girls were little. Oh...well.... Life goes on. So we are just rapping up the Christmas season and finishing up the year 2009. I am looking forward to 2010...sort of. Haley is graduating from high school, and I really have mixed feeling about that. I want her to have all of life's great experiences, yet I don't want her to go away. I know it is pretty selfish of me, but I can not help it. I really love to be around her. I really love to be around all my girls! Abby has already starting planing how she is going to redecorate Haley's room as soon as she leaves, pretty funny. Tonight Emily told me that she was going to go to Juilliard in New York for her college experience, and be on broadway. She also said the since Abby is going to be in the Army she will have to miss her first performance on Broadway and so we will have to tape it. Emily is a crack up. I hope that she changes her mind and want ot stay in Utah by her mom!!!
I have applied for nursing school for the fifth time....Yes FIVE times. No one wants me with my B average. Well I am starting to become a bit frustrated and wondering if I have chosen the right path for myself. We will see what happens in the near future. Maybe I should just move to Australia!!!
We have gained a new big brother for the girls.....Kind of....Brian our cousin has moved her to Utah. We are so excited for him to live here. He is going to go to school (and hopfully find a job). We really love him and are excited for his new adventure here with this big old family!!!!

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